ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)

Otolaryngologists (ENTs) are doctors trained to perform head and neck surgery and to diagnose problems associated with the ears, nose, and throat. They perform a variety of surgical procedures in the areas of facial plastics and cosmetic laser surgery, as well as snoring surgery, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and laser ear surgery.

Our doctors are board certified in the field of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery. This includes the medical and surgical care of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, surgery of the head and neck, as well as facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. We offer basic allergy management. We work closely with an audiologist for hearing evaluation who also dispenses hearing aids.


An otolaryngology (ENT) practice is basically surgical. Among the surgeries performed by otolaryngologists are procedures to treat ear infection, to improve the nasal airway, to treat recurring tonsillitis or enlarged adenoids and surgical procedures to treat sinus and snoring problems. Sometimes ENT-related problems are cured by medication alone. Because Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery encompasses a wide range of medical and surgical treatments, ENT doctors take care of patients who might otherwise require the services of several physicians.


The practice includes treatment of non-surgical problems such as

  • viral infections of the ear, nose, and throat (common cold)

  • bacterial infections (strep throat and tonsillitis)

  • sinusitis (sinus infection)

  • external otitis (swimmer's ear)

  • rhinitis (nasal infection)

  • allergy problems

Working with an audiologist, an ENT doctor can help patients with hearing problems. Frequently ENT doctors remove foreign bodies of the ear, nose, and air passages in children and earwax obstruction in children and adults to improve hearing.




Our ENT Specialty Group was established to give you the best of both worlds: effective, advanced treatments for ear, nose and throat problems delivered with a personalized, caring touch. That's our promise to you and your family.

Our compassionate team is led by our director an ear, nose and throat specialist with over a decade of experience. We've treated thousands of patients with state-of-the-art care for sinus pain, allergies, sinusitis, ear infections, dizziness, snoring, hearing and speech problems, cosmetic enhancement and more.

At Renaissance Hospital you'll find a place that is surrounded by friendliness from the moment you walk in. You will appreciate the warm smiles at the front desk, the staff who know you by name and the experienced doctors and hearing specialists who provide you with leading-edge care that's tailored to your needs. Always.



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