There are no specific measures to treat colic., However, the following suggestions may help to alleviate pain and calm an irritable infant.
Keeping the baby in a slight head-up position may work in some cases. Wood blocks may be used to raise the head of the baby's crib. Avoid overstimulating the baby; an overattended baby may not get sufficient sleep. An active baby may respond to being swaddled (wrapped tightly) in a blanket.
If a bottle feeding takes less than 20 minutes, the hole in the nipple may be too large. Avoid overfeeding the infant or feeding too quickly. A pacifier may calm an infant with a strong sucking need who fusses soon after a feeding. Many babies quiet while riding in the car, or to the sound of a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.
Apply warmth to the abdomen with a hot water bottle wrapped on a soft cloth (be careful not to burn the infant). Rhythmic movement such as walking or rocking can also help soothe the baby.
Finally, as a last resort, colicky babies should be allowed to cry themselves to sleep if thirty minutes of holding and comforting have not been successful. Wrap your baby up and place him or her in the crib. Allow fifteen minutes of crying and restlessness. If the crying continues beyond fifteen minutes, pick him or her up and resume soothing activities.
Parents should do their best to avoid fatigue and exhaustion. To help them do so, they should be encouraged to take a break from the infant by having a friend, grandparent, other relative, or baby sitter stay with the infant on from time to time. Though it may seem as though colic will last forever, almost all babies outgrow it within several months.
Occasionally a physician may recommend medications. A large variety of medications have been tried, ranging from paregoric (an opiate derivative), smooth muscle relaxants, antacids, anti-gas agents, mild sedatives, and antihistamines. Nothing has been consistently successful. Parents should not give infants less than six months old medications for colic without first consulting their physician.